Dear Students,
Now that our class discussion has been postponed,we turn back to our coursebook. Last time we couldn't finish pages 24-25,so please read these two pages just for fun. Your real task comes now. Turn to pages 26-27 of Unit 3, and read and complete exercises 10 a,b,c,d and 11 a,b.
Your homework is to write a journal entry of 5 - 10 sentences including your answers to
questions in exercise 11 c.
Please send your homework any time next week.
- Tanár: Horváthné Pálinkás Magdolna
- Tanár: Kaplonyi Barbara Mercedes
- Tanár: Nagy Sándor Gézáné
- Tanár: Németh Béla
- Tanár: Takács Katalin Ibolya